Thursday, December 13, 2007

Take A Rest

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.

- Ovid, Roman poet

This make so much sense to me. How can your body get back to working well if it can't repair its self, and relax. How much better do you feel after you have rested. How much more energy do you have.

Many of us are hooked on coffee, pop and other caffeine to be able to make it through the day, let alone to get up and get moving in the morning. Imagine life with out the pick me ups through caffeine? Getting up feeling refreshed and ready to go. Working out every day is not going to help, you have to rest, give yourself a break to heal.
What do you do when you are sick? You stay at home, get some rest and let your body heal. That is exactly what you should do with working out and the quest to loose the weight.

Giving yourself a break will only help!

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