Saturday, January 5, 2008

Motivational Moment 1-5-08

If the world seems cold to you, kindle fire to warm it.

- Lucy Larcom, hymnist

How many times do we feel that the world is against us? That we are fighting for nothing? That we will never reach our goals? That everyone and everything is against us? This is common, we all have those days, and while I truly believe it is o.k. to have those moments, it is not something that we need to continue with.

Once we have those moments, we need to realize that we are having them and move on. Get back up. When we loose motivation, then find it from with in to get the motivation once again. We can't rely on others all the time to keep ourselves going. We need to start the fire ourselves at times and motivate ourselves!!!

You can do it, start the fire in your life and start motivating yourself today!

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