Monday, January 14, 2008

Knowing Your Limits

Today I am going to overcome a stop sign. I am going to push my body more and know I can do it. I want to achieve my goals and to do that I need to push against my stop sign and keep going. I need to do this to take my weight loss journey to the next step.
So here is my plan. I keep thinking that I am hungry. I am going to post a sign on the fridge saying HALT! I am going to measure everything and stay in portion control. I am going to plan out my meals this morning to keep in my calorie range. I am going to drink my water. I am not going to eat after 7:00 this evening, I don't need to, I am just stressed!
I am going to do this!


Mich said...

Hi Jenn - 2008 numerogically is a 1 year: a year for new beginnings. So this is definitely a good time to make the comitment, so stand tall, don't hesitate and give your word. Keep your promise to yourself, and your word becomes law in your universe!

I'm so glad I found you through the Goddess Blogchain! Please visit Rainbow Dreams any time

Unknown said...

Hey, maybe we all need an online accountability partner to help us stay focused! Kind of like Weight-watchers without the need to leave home!


Anonymous said...

I just had lap band surgery ( week after over 20 years of struggling with my weight and appetite. I finally came to believe that the battle was not about only willpower but also biology. Plus our high calorie, unnatural food society is a huge roadblock.
I don't know what the right decision is for anyone else, but if you hit a wall and then end up gaining all your weight back you may want to check out lap band surgery. I also don't know if you are struggling with 20lbs or 200lbs (it makes a difference).
Anyway you do it, know that you are a Goddess no matter what you weigh and deserve to have your dreams come true.

SonyaMadden said...

Heh jenn. I have been on a weight loss mission since september last year...and although I have made progress it has been a very topsy turvy ride. My aim is to be toned and fit for my wedding in november but some days it seems the more i worry about it the more I steer AWAY from the goal...usually by justifying a chocolate bar or piece of pizza.
You are doing REALLY well and I commend you for taking THE BIGGEST step which is to take action! I look fwd to reading more.xxoo